In 2010, renowned Japanese designer and fashion pioneer NIGO® established HUMAN MADE in Tokyo with the philosophy "The Future Is In The Past." Drawing inspiration from American vintage clothing, HUMAN MADE has become a sought-after lifestyle brand among the younger generation, blending Japanese craftsmanship with unique creative ideas amidst the ever-evolving street culture trends.
As Lunar New Year approaches, HUMAN MADE celebrates the upcoming Year of the Snake with a specially designed original animal motif. Combining the brand’s signature elements with the snake zodiac symbol, the collection features intricate details, including the Chinese character for “Fortune,” to welcome the festive season.
This exclusive Year of the Snake collection, available at THE BIG APPLE Galaxy Macau flagship store, includes long-sleeve sweatshirts, short-sleeve T-shirts, and bowling shirts. Don’t miss out on these limited-edition items!
Location: 1009 & 1011, Galaxy Promenade